50 Pure Colors Poly Gel Collection

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Spring Sale Deal - 20% OFF SITEWIDE
4-6 Days Delivery for US
14 Days Return Guarantee
Contact Us 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

✨This Collection Includes:

15ml Pure Colors Poly Nail Gel*50


Save your time and money. Create your own nail art design at home!

Can apply single color, or apply it with any color base to make an ombre effect

Cruelty-free & Eco-friendly

Long-lasting for 21+ Days


Volume: 15ml/tube

Main Ingredients: Acrylate Copolymer, Trimethylolpropane triacrylate, Pigment

Texture: Cream

Cured: LED/UV lamp

🌹 Note: soak the tube in warm water before applying if the gel is hard to squeeze.

✨Colors SKU:

 P001 Clear
 P002 White
 P003 Milky Pink
 P004 Pink Pursuit
 P005 Milky Orange
 P003 Pure Brown
 P013 Narcissus Yellow
 P014 Sandy Orange
 P016 Creekside Blue
 P028 Lawn Green
 P032 Blaze Orange
 P046 Aqua Blue
 P048 Crimson Red
 P062 Dark Green
 P063 Teal Blue
 P064 Blue Eyeshadow
 P069 Puce Red
 P070 Deep Purple
 P071 Dark Gray
 P072 Dark Grape Purple
 P076 Jelly Pink
 P079 Violet Purple
 P083 Fluorescent Yellow
 P085 Pumpkin Orange
 P086 Pure Purple
 P087 Neon Pink
 P088 Fire Brick Red
 P113 Sienna Brown
 P118 Titanium Yellow
 P119 Honeydew Green
 P132 Light Brown
 P140 Crimson Orange
 P141 Cornflower Blue
 P154 Pale Orange
 P187 Sanguine Red
 P199 Rose Pink
 P201 Lightcyan Green
 P205 Dark Green
 P216 Night Stars Black Glitter
 P217 Carmine Red
 P218 Sky Blue
 P225 Pale Yellow
 P226 Marigold Yellow
 P228 Dark Brown
 P229 Maroon Red
 P233 Violet Blue
 P236 Night Purple
 P239 Dark Slate Gray
 P398 Medium Purple
 P438 Pale Purple

At MOROVAN, we believe that beauty should never compromise your health. That's why we've meticulously crafted our nail polish collection using only the finest natural ingredients. Our commitment to your well-being is reflected in every bottle of nail polish we create.

The Essence of Natural Ingredients

Our nail polish formulations are a celebration of nature's bounty. We've harnessed the power of botanical extracts, plant oils, and nourishing fruit essences to bring you a nail polish that not only dazzles but also cares for your nails and skin.

Unlike traditional nail polishes that might contain harmful chemicals, our natural ingredients are carefully chosen to provide vibrant colors while maintaining the health and integrity of your nails.

Why Choose Natural Ingredients?

Gentle on Your Nails and Skin

Our natural ingredients are kind to your nails and skin. Say goodbye to the worry of dry, brittle nails and skin irritations. With MOROVAN nail polish, you can enjoy beautiful, vibrant nails without compromising your comfort.

Nourishing and Strengthening

Enriched with plant oils like olive oil, sweet almond oil, and other nourishing extracts, our nail polish helps strengthen your nails and keep them looking radiant. Experience the difference between well-nourished and healthier nails.

Eco-Conscious and Responsible

By choosing MOROVAN's nail polish, you're making an environmentally friendly choice. Our natural ingredients are sourced sustainably, reducing the impact on the environment and supporting responsible practices.

Free from Harmful Chemicals: Our nail polish is formulated without harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate (DBP). This ensures that you can confidently flaunt your manicure, knowing that it's free from potentially risky ingredients.

Experience the MOROVAN Difference

With our wide range of shades and finishes, MOROVAN offers you the opportunity to express your personal style while embracing the goodness of nature. Our nail polish not only adds a pop of color to your nails but also a touch of well-being.

Join us on a journey where beauty and health go hand in hand. With MOROVAN's natural ingredient-driven nail polish, you're not just enhancing your appearance, but you're also making a conscious choice for your health and the environment. Elevate your nail game while prioritizing your well-being – because you deserve nothing less.

Discover MOROVAN's Natural Nail Polish Collection and experience beauty in its purest form.

As soon as you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email. Then, we will process your order within 1-3 business days, after which we will ship your package. Until your order has shipped, it will remain "unfulfilled" on your account.

Please make sure you are certain of the product specifications, as all orders placed are final. You have 12 hours following your order to proceed with any changes. After this timeline, we can't guarantee any changes to the order.

If you have any questions, please contact us 24/7 at support@morovan.com.

Shipping Time

Two key factors will decide when you will receive your package.

Shipping time = Processing time + Delivery time

1. Item Processing Time: The processing time is the time it takes for the seller to prepare the item(s) for shipment. If your order is ordered on a business day, it will be processed within 1 business day; if your order is ordered on a non-business day, it will be processed within 2-3 business days.

2. Item Delivery Time: Delivery time varies with the shipping method. Time in transit varies depending on where you're located and where your package is coming from.

Deliverable Country

United States

Standard Shipping: Free shipping on any orders paid over $39. If the order paid is less than $39, we will charge $8.99 for shipping on your order. (Shipping Time: About 2-4 business days, but in remote areas, it will take 4-6 business days.)

Courier Contact

United States

USPS: +1(800)275-8777, Press 6 and then 4 for Customer Service

UPS: +1(800)742-5877

Other Countries

Please contact us through customer service (support@morovan.com), and we will provide you with the corresponding post office contact number.

Shipping FAQS

1. If you have a problem with your tracking number or package delivery, please contact the courier company directly before contacting us.

2. If your order shows shipped but still has no logistics information, please allow 1-4 business days for the tracking information to show.

3. In some rare cases, the tracking information may not be updated, but you will still receive your order.

Please note that MOROVAN is not responsible for the package after the tracking information shows it was successfully delivered to the destination. If for some reason you did not receive it, we advise you to contact the shipping carrier for clarification.